Scale learning to suit your needs
Flexible controls empower admins, protect user privacy, and get your team learning faster.
More learning, less management
Simplify user and group management at scale
- View and manage all of your groups on one centralized page.
- Save time by performing multiple actions in bulk.
- Structure groups by team, department, or project.
Save time through seamless automation
- Get your employees learning faster by automating user and group management with SSO and SCIM.
- Easily provision and deprovision Udemy Business access, update user details, and make changes to groups.
Empower managers to guide their teams’ learning
- Control license allocation and distribution while still delegating responsibilities.
- Assign Group Admin roles so that leaders closest to employees can assign courses and learning paths.
Tighten data privacy across your organization
- Manage permissions for Group Admins and keep visibility limited to the groups that they manage.
- Easily remove users’ personal information to help you comply with global data privacy regulations and GDPR.