Making Winning Business Decisions
A Framework for Critical Thinking and Decision Making
Discover how cohort learning can help your team
Developed in partnership with:
- Decision Making
Tailored to your company’s specific needs
Guided learning with experienced moderators
Bite-sized courses improve content retention
AI-fueled analytics provide actionable insights
Dedicated Customer Success Partner
Decision making is a skill that can and should be learned. Why do well-intentioned, smart, experienced professionals make poor decisions far too often? We believe it’s because they haven’t been taught a disciplined process for making winning decisions. Left to fend for themselves, they’ve relied on intuition, brains, luck, common sense, and training within the narrow bounds of their professional expertise. Unfortunately, in today’s environment those aren’t sufficient.
This Course:
- Illuminates an individual’s current decision-making process using a challenging case study
- Goes through the process and challenges inherent in framing decisions and gathering intelligence in a second case exercise
- Guides the learner through a process for coming to conclusions and learning from experience based on the results of their case study
Learners Will:
- Reach faster and more effective solutions through problem identification and framing
- Understand how to assess the degree of uncertainty and risk in a decision
- Reduce the impact of cognitive biases and blind spots
- Manage stakeholders based on their interests and influence
- Avoid myopic group think and tunnel vision
- Decide on a course of action and make course corrections if necessary
Discover how cohort learning can help your team
Developed in partnership with:
- Decision Making
Tailored to your company’s specific needs
Guided learning with experienced moderators
Bite-sized courses improve content retention
AI-fueled analytics provide actionable insights
Dedicated Customer Success Partner
Explore how cohort learning has helped customers develop their workforce
Check out stories in consumer goods and life-sciences — or read more case studies here.