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Hype and reality – what’s really going on with AI in learning?

Myles Runham

Senior Analyst

Ellie Good

Principal Product Manager

How can AI change the shape of learning?

Senior Fosway Analyst, Myles Runham delves into the hype and reality surrounding AI with a specific focus on learning. Myles shares Fosway’s research around the drivers, as well as the barriers and challenges to AI adoption in learning. Myles is also joined by Ellie Good, Principal Product Manager, Udemy who will share insights on Creating a Generative AI Enabled Workforce with Udemy.

Visionnez ce webinaire pour :

  • Gain a clear understanding of the current state of AI in learning.
  • Identify potential ways in which AI may change work processes.
  • Explore opportunities and challenges associated with AI adoption in learning.
  • Develop actionable insights and strategies for leveraging AI to shape learning in an organisation.

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