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Manager Essentials: Interviewing to Make the Right Long-Term Hire

Udemy Business Manager Essentials Interviewing Long-Term Hire

Interviewing a potential employee requires considerable time and effort — not just for the hiring manager, but also for the candidate and those on the interview panel. A poor hiring process can result in selecting the wrong person for the role or not landing the best candidate. Either outcome can impact team morale and reduce team productivity, while making the manager’s job more difficult instead of easier. 

The recruiting and hiring process is a pivotal time in the employee lifecycle. When this journey starts well, it provides a better experience for all involved, and it is likely to lead to hiring employees who are a better fit for the role. It can also lead to better employee engagement and retention over time. 

In Manager Essentials: Interview to Make the Right Long-Term Hire, you’ll get practical guidance to help structure an interview process that results in happy long-term hires. This includes: 

  • How to define the open role and its responsibilities
  • Why everyone on the interview panel should attend a pre-brief
  • The type of questions to ask to assess the candidate’s skills and competencies
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