Professional Services
Perth, Australia
RSM Australia bolsters digital transformation and IT staff upskilling with the power of online learning
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Founded almost a century ago, RSM Australia forms part of the sixthlargest professional services network in the world. And with a significant footprint across Australia, it’s one of the country’s biggest success stories. But with just under 1,500 employees working out of 32 offices across Australia, the firm’s approach to learning and development (L&D) for the national IT team was disparate and reactive, with team managers lacking clear visibility over staff development and certifications. Under pressure to deliver an ambitious digital transformation program and maintain business as usual during COVID-19, RSM needed a way to deliver relevant training courses to its IT team, enabling the firm to better anticipate its future skills needs and improve its speed to market.
Anticipating tomorrow’s skills gaps — today
Being part of the world’s sixth-largest professional services network takes expert customer service, a reputation for delivering outstanding work, and above all, maintaining skillsets relevant not just for today’s needs, but also tomorrow. For RSM’s IT team, this means staying abreast of the latest technologies and planning for its long-term resourcing needs.
But with a disparate approach to L&D, made worse by limited management visibility over what in-house skills were available, developing its IT team’s critical skillsets in line with the firm’s digital transformation ambitions was a significant challenge.
“New technologies and the overall market are changing all the time,” says Paul Joseph, Chief Information Officer and Director of Operations at RSM Australia. “But if we don’t have a true picture of where our team’s skills lie today, it’s almost impossible to anticipate and fill the skills gaps of tomorrow. We knew a reactive approach to learning and development was no longer sustainable.”
With a comprehensive digital transformation program underway, RSM needed specialist in-house skills that matched to the latest technology releases — such as new Microsoft Azure services. The firm’s IT leadership decided that a proven online learning platform would be the most effective way to deliver wide-ranging courses for its people and gain access to nuanced reporting insights.
Digital Strategy and Innovation Manager
Nuanced online learning that benefits individuals’ careers and the needs of the business
With an existing roadmap in place to improve the firm’s skillsets and processes for the future, RSM’s IT team investigated three leading online learning platforms: Udemy Business, Pluralsight, and LinkedIn Learning. “We needed to switch our training from reactive to proactive, matched to individuals’ needs and those of the business,” says Sam Mannix, Digital Strategy and Innovation Manager at RSM Australia. “After a detailed trial of each shortlisted platform, we chose Udemy Business. Its impressive range of quality IT courses and scalability made it a no-brainer. And while it’s helped us flourish during the new era of remote work, we still would have selected the platform regardless.”
Using Udemy Learning Paths, RSM’s IT team now has specialized content personalized to their individual L&D needs — particularly vendor-specific IT certifications, such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services.
Also making a huge impact with senior management is the single Udemy dashboard for all the firm’s L&D reports. RSM’s IT leadership has a complete overview of its team’s goals and performance. “We use the reporting function in Udemy Business to feed regular training statistics to our leadership team,” says Paul. “It helps everyone better understand who’s taking which courses, how the platform is being used, and where we can make tweaks to improve our L&D program.” While RSM’s main goal was to boost its internal L&D program aligned with its transformation initiative, the firm has also achieved some unforeseen benefits from using the platform.
“While many of our IT team are improving their skillsets for the future, we’ve also seen a positive impact on new employees joining the firm,” says Sam. “In fact, one new recruit told us that our dedication to learning and development — and the fact we use Udemy Business — attracted them to apply for the role.” And it’s not just RSM’s IT team that stands to benefit from the program improvements. Shortly after launching Udemy Business, the firm was able to onboard specialist client-facing teams to address additional operational requirements
Chief Information Officer and Director of Operations
Creating a competitive advantage through unified knowledge
Having embedded the platform amongst his IT team, Paul believes that to quantify the benefits of Udemy Business just to revenue impact or cost-saving terms would undersell the ROI of the platform. “Our main objective going into this process was to accelerate and improve our L&D support for our people to service our clients better,” says Paul. “Udemy Business helps us build the skillsets we need for the future, increasing our speed to market. Without it, we simply wouldn’t have had sufficient visibility over our L&D achievements, let alone access to the latest tech skills courses in one place.”
And while the shift to remote work during COVID-19 has opened RSM’s skilled IT workforce to the world, the firm’s modern approach to L&D — supported by Udemy Business — has helped increase its retention rate and its attractiveness to new top talent, improving its market reputation.
“To anyone considering an online learning platform, I’d say you need your internal strategy and processes nailed down before adopting a solution,” says Paul. “But you also need to be open-minded. We rolled out Udemy Business to better retain and upskill our people, but it’s offered countless benefits I would never have imagined. It’s ticked all the boxes for us, and then some.”
Digital Strategy and Innovation Manager
Rolling out the platform across the firm
Since launching Udemy Business, the growing firm has delivered the power of online learning across RSM’s IT team quick and efficiently. Having experienced the success the platform has made to the firm’s upskilling, career progression, retention, and new talent acquisition, it now has its sights on expansion throughout the firm.
“Now with Udemy Business aboard, we’ve been blazing through projects within the firm,” says Sam. “The platform has proved such a success that other parts of the business are interested in what we’ve achieved. I think team adoption could scale quickly.”
Chief Information Officer and Director of Operations