Analyzing Costs Using TCO
Using the Total Cost of Ownership Approach to Identify and Reduce Costs
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Sviluppato in partnership con:
- Supply Chain Leadership Academy
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Guided learning with experienced moderators
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AI-fueled analytics provide actionable insights
Dedicated Customer Success Partner
In this course, learners use the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) framework to identify a cost analysis project that has the potential to return significant value. They’ll learn how to evaluate possible projects, assemble a cross-functional TCO project team, and map process activities to find cost areas requiring analysis.
Participants will learn how to:
- Calculate Total Landed Cost, with consideration for tariffs, countervailing duties, and more use TCO methods to conduct competitive bid analysis, including global sourcing contracts
- Create a cost database
- Estimate costs by applying the 3 As–Actual, Approximate, and Assumption
The course also explores the value of working closely with suppliers to develop should cost models in order to better understand pricing strategies and improve how the the organization negotiates with its suppliers. Analyzing Costs Using Total Cost of Ownership offers an important set of tools for creating competitive advantages.
Download the Course OverviewLearners Will:
- Understand basic financial principles involved in calculating TCO components
- Learn how to identify TCO projects that have the greatest potential to impact the company’s bottom line
- Use the 3 As—Actual, Approximate and Assumption—to model costs when faced with imperfect data
- Learn how to create and manage a useful cost database
Discover how cohort learning can help your team
Sviluppato in partnership con:
- Supply Chain Leadership Academy
Tailored to your company’s specific needs
Guided learning with experienced moderators
Bite-sized courses improve content retention
AI-fueled analytics provide actionable insights
Dedicated Customer Success Partner
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